Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kisah telur..

Sebelum my bil n my biras balik Kedah last Friday, we went to Jusco Mahkota Cheras near our hse to buy groceries. At the same time they wanted to find something and to survey the Celcom package. Like my case, im using Celcom Mobile Internet package and cost me only RM38 p/month,..tak mau amik yg lain coz kat rumah dah ade Streamyx kan,..takut membazir plak,..

Ini budak dah stat tak mo duk diam,..

Masih lg bincang nk amik yg mane,.huhu

Ok back to the main topic. Sy mmg seorg yg amat cerewet kalo beli pape,..apelg skang ni dah ber'title' temporary housewife or mayb akan jd permanent hsewife,..huhu..

Dulu sy mmg amik telur yg Omega Plus or Nutri Plus,..buttttttttttttttt,..there's one day JJ kat sini buat promotion Twin Pack Nutri Plus, as usual akan cium dlu and guess what,..rase nak muntah on the spot,...smelllyyyyyyyyyyyy sgttttttttttt,, dah pangkah Nutri Plus,..

Next, sy try cr telur brand lain,..and i satisfied wif this brand,..Deli Fresh,..sbb bile pecahkan telur, mmg isi telur sgt cantik compared to other brand,..ade je bendasing,..dah la mahal kan,..

Sy juga akan pastikan luaran telur dan bau nye memuaskan hati sy,..Amik Gred A is better,..

Sampai je rumah, i will definitely wash the eggs,..haha,..siap sental lg ngan sabun glo ni haa,..sblm masuk fridge bg cantik,..

Barula rase best kan masuk dlm fridge,.dah la ade byk membe kan,.ngan sayur la,..fruits lg,..just imagine kalo pas beli dgn kekdg ade cam taik kat kulit tu,..then kite straight masuk dlm fridge mesti tak best kan,..

Dan,....yang paling penting as i told earlier,..sila bau telur yg anda beli jgn jd macam bawah ni ha,...gileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,..byk sgt ulat sampah n i wondering nape pekerja Jusco Mahkota Cheras tak check,...eeuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Not sure what brand is this,..

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